Patient Information

In patients

The Unit is built to accommodate patients in a safe, relaxed and welcoming environment. Patients can be admitted from home by their GP or may be transferred from another healthcare facility. The patient accommodation is provided in either a single room or a 3 bedded room, all with en-suite facilities. Single rooms cannot always be guaranteed, though every attempt is made to meet patients' needs. Each patient has a television, phone access and fridge at their bedside for their personal use. Each room has access to the gardens and a patio area.


Day patients

The Day Unit aims to maintain and improve the quality of life for patients living in their own home. A referral for day care attendance can be made by any healthcare professional with the support of the patient's GP. An informal first visit is usually arranged to give an opportunity to meet staff and find out what the Day Unit can offer to meet individual needs. Following this visit a plan of support can be made and attendance agreed. This may be a weekly visit or can be by appointment for access to individual services, e.g. complementary therapies or relaxation sessions. Patients are encouraged to arrange their own transport but assistance may be available if required.


Who will look after you ?

Roxburghe House has a committed team of doctors and nurses providing Specialist Palliative Care. Other specialists such as an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, pharmacist, chaplain, and social worker also provide expertise as part of the team. Roxburghe House is committed to providing education in Specialist Palliative Care to other visiting medical, nursing and healthcare professionals. Consultants from other specialist services within NHS Grampian visit or liaise with staff on a regular basis.


Some important rules

All patients for admission should bring with them all the medicines they take. This gives staff looking after them a complete record of their medicines and prevents any confusion. The kitchen areas within the In patient and Day Unit are for staff only. Patients and relatives are not permitted in these areas. If you wish to bring in food items from home these should be stored in the patient's bedside fridge (space is limited). Patients do love to have flowers, but please, no more than 2 bunches per bedside due to limited space. Mobile phones should be switched off on entering the building. The dignity and safety of all patients, visitors and staff should be respected therefore any anti-social behaviour is not acceptable.


Going home

Patients are given appropriate assessment, treatment and rehabilitation to allow then to return to their own home where possible. Following discharge close links are maintained with the community health teams. Day Care may be available to monitor symptoms and offer support if necessary.

Published: 23/10/2020 13:35