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Coming very soon...

NHS Grampian Speak Up Programme

The NHS Grampian Plan for the Future 2022 – 28, places our workforce centre stage and as has embedded the health and wellbeing of staff at the heart of this commitment.

Central to this is providing a range of channels for colleagues to speak up if they have concerns and providing access to the support they need to do this.

It is recognised that people may experience many barriers to speaking up, which may include one or more of those identified below:

My manager does not want their decision/authority challenged My training will be affected if I make a fuss I never see my role models challenge others I don't know how to speak up. My line manager says there is nothing they can do.
Nothing will change. My colleagues said they have raised this and no-one has done anything. No-one will listen to me because I am really junior. The policy/procedure guides are difficult to understand. People will think I am a troublemaker.
I don't know who I should go to? I don't know if my concern is whistleblowing so I won't mention it. I might not be supported if I speak up. Only senior people should speak up. Maybe I am over thinking this? No-one else seems to be bothered?
This is about values not patient safety so no-one is interested. I can't find the policy/procedure guides to help me. It doesn't apply to me. I spoke up and I suffered for it in the past. I won't do that again. I won't get promoted.

To support our staff to overcome these challenges, NHS Grampian has invested in a range of ways to help encourage staff to speak up in a way that they will feel most comfortable. 

The ‘Speak Up’ programme seeks to recruit a network of ‘Speak Up Advocates’ who will participate in a voluntary capacity and in addition to their substantive post. 

Speak Up Advocates will be available to staff who would like to discuss raising a concern in a safe and supported environment. Speak Up Advocates do not direct ‘next steps’ but will provide a confidential space as an impartial first point of contact and offer guidance around options for resolution and signposting to the range of support available.

This exciting and rewarding opportunity will not only help colleagues to feel supported to speak up, but will also promote a culture of ‘listen up’ to help overcome barriers where communication may be challenging and help us as an organisation to enhance our culture and improve the health and wellbeing of our staff.

We would like to encourage a wide range of colleagues to apply for this role to ensure that Speak Up Advocates are representative of our diverse workforce.  We also encourage applications from all areas and disciplines, including people from clinical and non-clinical roles.

Successful applicants will receive training in advance of undertaking their role and will be performing extremely important work which will be highly valued by the organisation.

Keep an eye on the Daily Brief, your staff networks and social media in the coming weeks for further information about when the ‘Speak Up Programme’ will launch and recruitment for Speak Up Advocates will go live.



Published: 22/09/2023 15:16