
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 

The Freedom of Information Act aims to promote a culture of openness and accountability among public authorities by providing people with rights of access to the information held by these organisations. It is expected that these rights will facilitate better public understanding of how public authorities carry out their duties, why they make the decisions they do, and how they spend public money. The public will be able to gain access to information held by Grampian Health Board in two ways:

1. From 1st September 2004 every Scottish NHS Board must make some information available as a matter of course through a publication scheme. Information included in the publication scheme must be routinely made available to anyone who asks for it. A publication scheme is therefore both a commitment to make certain information available and a guide to how and where that information is available.

2. From 1st January 2005 members of the public have the right to request any information held by Grampian Health Board (although this right is subject to a number of exemptions).
