The Role and Remit of the NHS Grampian Clincial Ethics Committee

  1. To advise all professionals and organisations within NHS Grampian on ethical matters and to raise their awareness of ethics.
  2. To support clinicians in achieving ethical policies for their work practices.
  3. To provide a mechanism whereby clinicians can receive rapid ethical advice and support in individual situations.
  4. To provide ethical advice on clinical guidelines within NHS Grampian and to help in the development of policies for clinical care where there are ethical issues.
  5. To provide ethical advice to Grampian NHS Board and to other NHS Grampian organisations concerning their strategies.
  6. To provide high level structured debate on ethical issues relevant to NHS Grampian.
  7. To publicise the work of the committee and ensure that all staff are aware of the clinical ethics committee and how to access its advice.
  8. To encourage and support educational opportunities for clinical and managerial staff on ethical issues.
  9. To develop and maintain links with Clinical Ethics Committees in other areas.
  10. To encourage public debate when appropriate.

Other NHS Grampian organisations will be expected to include ethics in their training programmes and to support staff who wish to improve their knowledge of ethical issues.

Published: 08/09/2020 13:35